About Kimberly Rex, MS, Resonance Repatterning and Re-pattern Your Life Coaching
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is known as the Re-pattern Your Life Coach©. She is a certified Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She specializes in personal growth, relationship and business coaching. She offers Life Coaching with Resonance Repatterning to identify and transform patterns in your life that keep you from experiencing  more vitality, joy, sense of direction in your personal life, relationships, and health. Sessions get to the root of what you need so you feel a positive change that ripples out into all of your life. She maintains her private practice in Bellingham,Washington, and works with clients all over the world by phone, Skype, proxy and in-person.

Kimberly works with a broad spectrum of clients. She has worked with individuals, families, children, couples, and groups. She has helped people in times of change, stress, grief, trauma, and loss to build a bridge to healing and experiencing a life of new possibilities.

With over 20 years of experience working in the field of humanistic psychology and human development, Kimberly works with clients by phone and in-person to support creating positive change that is tangible and sustainable. Sessions get to the heart of any issue and transform energetic material any place on the time-space continuum to support stepping into the present where there are unlimited possibilities. Instead of living in the past or worrying about the future, sessions create new opportunities for experiencing life in the moment with greater ease, joy, love and expression of who you truly are! Sessions get below the surface where resistance, feelings of being stuck and/or limited in your experience of life to identify and transform your life for positive change. This process works with issues of abuse, trauma, grief, in-decision, depression, anxiety, fear, as well as setting course for experiencing life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being!

As an energetic healthcare practitioner, she works with the universal disciplines of the Chinese Medicine Wheel, Polarity Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu, the acupressure and Chakra System, Family Systems, applied kinesiology, color, light, sound, and movement therapy, fragrance, energetic balancing, consciousness science, Heart Math and Family Systems.

Kimberly has designed programs and repatternings with a focus on wellness and well-being for people and groups including work with Friends Along the Road: A Sanctuary for Those in Grief and designed the program for the World Peace Hologram Project as Chair for the Repatterning Practitioners Association (2008-2010) with 48 practitioners around the world working with personal and global topics of peace, as well as planning advisor and author of the Peace Journal that accompanied the process.

She has presented locally, nationally and internationally in-person and by teleconference on the topics of stress reduction, consciousness science, how to experience inner peace, and greater wellness and well-being. She has been published on wellness blogs including Care2.com, The Organic Home and Wellness Radio, and is a published author in The Journey Home , as well as in eBooks that go with online workshops. She has also been on several radio and TV shows including Consciousness TV with the topics of positive change and consciousness science through her sites for Resonance Repatterning®, Windows to the Heart Repatterning at www.windowstotheheart.net.

She has been guest on a number of radio shows including  The Dr. Pat Show, Awakenings with Michele Mieche, Dr. Michael Holt Show, Clairvoyant Chronicles with Ellen Hartwell, and Holistic Global Radio to help people understand the dynamics of health from the perspective of frequency and resonance.  She has written a number of e-books on stress reduction and manifesting intention, as well as designing  and writing the practitioner manual for World Peace Hologram Project with its journal for participants. She  continues to publish personal growth articles on a regular basis for wellness blogs such as Holistic Wellness Radio and The Organic Home, and served on the committee as both writer and board member for the quarterly Repatterning Practitioners Association Journal on topics of transformation, wellness and well-being (2007-2010).

Contact Kimberly here                                 

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