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Crossroads, Turning Point and Fork in the Road: From Resolution to Intention for the New Year

As we move into the new year we often set goals for ourselves. Traditionally these are called resolutions. However, these goals are intentions with issues. In order to resolve the issues, intentions need to look in both directions, to both the past and the future to create new possibilities and opportunities. Resolutions, however, can point out the road map for where you’d like to experience change in your direction in life. As is true for the beginning of any journey, knowing where you’re starting is vital to knowing how to reach your destination. Awareness is the first key to plotting a course and creating a road map.

The metaphors of crossroad, fork in the road and turning point illustrate that valuable information can be gained through gathering the harvest of the year passed in the lessons from integrating these events, relationships, and challenges.

We must accept where we are before we know what we may become.- Anonymous

1) Crossroad: This is a true starting point. The same way you would get directions from, you must first identify your starting point. The crossroad is the meeting place of your appointments with people, places and opportunities. In looking back at last year you might notice how some things began, resolved, remained the same, diminished, or needed letting go.

2) Fork in the Road: As you become aware of insights from this past year, you can begin to see where forks in the road emerged due to your wish for new opportunities and possibilities in your life. There is always a point of choice in every situation. You can either resonate with the chaos of a problem and take the fork in the road that keeps you feeling powerless, overwhelmed, hopeless or discontented, or take the fork in the road that offers the opportunity of the problem. When you resonate with a new possibility, you experience life through a deeper connection to love, support, joy, being centered and empowered as you move through the changes that are necessary to manifest your positive intentions. This sets the stage for better health and mental health in the process!

3) Turning Point: Finally, a turning point is created through your choice to empower your intentions with the resources, skills, acceptance and positive actions needed to move your resolutions into the intelligent field of action. The turning point comes when you resonate with the life-energizing feelings, positive projections and needs being met through the manifestation of your goals. In this case, you move from an empowered space of intention, and not from a place of obligatory resolution.

Need help getting started with your 2012 intentions? I ‘ve created an e-book that walks you through the process of setting intentions for the New Year in FOUR easy steps! For more information in how to get this eBook offer, visit:

About Kimberly Rex, Certified Resonance Repatterning and Life Coaching Practitoner

Kimberly is a Certified Master Life Coach, Resonance/Holographic Repatterning Practitioner and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist who helps you achieve your life goals by phone, Skype, in-person or proxy. Find out more about Resonance Repatterning and Repatterning Your Life Coaching packages in her FREE monthly newsletter with exclusive articles on conciousness science, monthly healing modalities and exclusive session offerings at


4 thoughts on “Crossroads, Turning Point and Fork in the Road: From Resolution to Intention for the New Year

  1. I am trying to design a yearbook cover for a small group of students and was wondering if I could use your image of the ‘fork in the road’? Please? This is not for profit.
    Thank you,

    Posted by Marie | April 30, 2013, 9:01 am
  2. May I use pic for my book cover?

    Posted by Mona | December 9, 2014, 7:13 pm

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